Página sobre suevitas

De acuerdo con la Subcomisión de la IUGS sobre la Sistemática de las rocas Metamórficas, Grupo de estudio para impactitas, una suevita o brecha suevítica es una brecha de impacto polimíctica con una matriz clástica y fragmentos minerales que presentan diversos estadios de metamorfismo de choque incluyendo partículas fundidas de impacto cogenéticas que se encuentran … Continuar leyendo «Página sobre suevitas»

Cutting into an impact crater rim: excavation and modification signature of the impact cratering process

Road constructors are the friends of the impact geologists. Without their work, most of the highlighting impact outcrops in the Spanish Azuara and Rubielos de la Cérida impact structures would not exist, and many of the rocks typifying impact would not have been discovered. In the last decade, kilometers and kilometers of new geological exposures … Continuar leyendo «Cutting into an impact crater rim: excavation and modification signature of the impact cratering process»

The Jaulín impactite (Azuara, Spain)

About 30 km north of the center of the Azuara impact structure (Spain) near the village of Jaulín (0°59.3′ W; 41°27.2′ N), a peculiar breccia is exposed. The breccia, not mapped geologically thus far, is intercalated between fossil-rich Jurassic limestones and brownish Miocene(?) gypsum marls. The breccia is unconformably overlying the Mesozoic rocks (Fig. 1) … Continuar leyendo «The Jaulín impactite (Azuara, Spain)»

New varieties of the basal suevite breccia from the multiple-impact area in northern Spain

This peculiar polymict breccia uniformly exposed  at the base of the unfolded Upper Tertiary over a distance of at least 120 km is a strong clue to the Mid-Tertiary multiple impact in northern Spain. A lot has already been said and written about this breccia (Ernstson & Fiebag, 1992; Ernstson & Claudin 2002, Ernstson et al. 2003; … Continuar leyendo «New varieties of the basal suevite breccia from the multiple-impact area in northern Spain»

Impact-induced carbonate-psilomelane vein in the Azuara structure of northeastern Spain

  Outcrop of Muschelkalk dolomite crosscut by a dark vein of impact melt rock in the vicinity of Monforte de Moyuela. Black vein under the microscope: light matrix of carbonate minerals (Cc), black particles and gas vesicles (gv). Long side of the figure is about 1 mm.           The full article … Continuar leyendo «Impact-induced carbonate-psilomelane vein in the Azuara structure of northeastern Spain»

Impact spallation in nature and experiment

Spallation is a well-known process in fracture mechanics as well as in impact cratering and has been investigated theoretically and experimentally by many researchers. Unfortunately, it is less well known that spallation can also be observed in nature as an actually existing geologic phenomenon in and around impact structures. The present WEEKLY IMAGE shows already … Continuar leyendo «Impact spallation in nature and experiment»

An Impact Crater Chain in Northern Spain:

This is the title of an article only recently published in METEORITE, The International Quarterly of Meteorites and Meteorite Science For the readers of METEORITE (and others), the black-and-whites of the article are shown here as original color prints.   Fig. 1. Location map for the Azuara – Rubielos de la Cérida impact crater chain … Continuar leyendo «An Impact Crater Chain in Northern Spain:»