Publicaciones, F. Claudin, K. Ernstson

F. Claudin, K. Ernstson: Publicaciones sobre temas de impacto meteorítico

Michael A. Rappenglück, Frank Bauer, Kord Ernstson, Michael Hiltl: Meteorite impact on a micrometer scale: iron silicide, carbide and CAI minerals from the Chiemgau impact event (Germany). – Problems and perspectives of modern mineralogy (Yushkin Memorial Seminar–2014) Proceedings of mineralogical seminar with international participation Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russia 19–22 May 2014.. – Abstract

Ernstson, K., Hilt, M., Neumair, A.: Microtektite-Like Glasses from the Northern Calcareous Alps (Southeast Germany): Evidence of a Proximal Impact Ejecta . – 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held 17-21 March, 2014 at The Woodlands, Texas. LPI Contribution No. 1777, p.1200. – Abstract

Rappenglück, M.A., Bauer, F. Hiltl, M., Neumair, A., K. Ernstson, K. (2013): Calcium-Aluminium-rich Inclusions (CAIs) in iron silicide matter (Xifengite, Gupeiite, Hapkeite): evidence of a cosmic origin – 76th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Volume 48, Issue s1, Abstract #5055. – Abstract

Bauer, F. Hiltl, M., Rappenglück, M.A., Neumair, A., K. Ernstson, K. (2013): Fe2Si (Hapkeite) from the subsoil in the alpine foreland (Southeast Germany): is it associated with an impact? – 76th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Volume 48, Issue s1, Abstract #5056. – Abstract

Neumair, A., Ernstson, K. (2013): Peculiar Holocene soil layers: evidence of possible distal ejecta deposits in the Chiemgau region, Southeast Germany – 76th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Volume 48, Issue s1, Abstract #5057. – Abstract.

Ernstson, K., Müller, W., Neumair, A. (2013): The proposed Nalbach (Saarland, Germany) impact site: is it a companion to the Chiemgau (Southeast Bavaria, Germany) impact strewn field? – 76th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Volume 48, Issue s1, Abstract #5058. – Abstract

K. Ernstson, T. G. Shumilova, S. I. Isaenko, A. Neumair, M. A. Rappenglück: From biomass to glassy carbon and carbynes: evidence of possible meteorite impact shock coalification and carbonization. – Modern problems of theoretical, experimental and applied mineralogy (Yushkin Memorial Seminar–2013): Proceedings of mineralogical seminar with international participation. Syktyvkar: IG Komi SC UB RAS, 2013. 546 p. . – Abstract

Shumilova, T. G.,  Isaenko S. I.,   Makeev B. A.,   Ernstson K.,   Neumair A.,  Rappenglück M. A.: Enigmatic Poorly Structured Carbon Substances from the Alpine Foreland, Southeast Germany:  Evidence of a Cosmic Relation. 43nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2012), 1430.pdf. Abstract.

Ernstson, K. & Neumair, A. (2011), Geoelectric Complex Resistivity Measurements of Soil Liquefaction Features in Quaternary Sediments of the Alpine Foreland, Germany, Abstract NS23A-1555 presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 5-9 Dec. Abstract

Neumair, A. & Ernstson, K. (2011), Geomagnetic and morphological signature of small crateriform structures in the Alpine Foreland, Southeast Germany, Abstract GP11A-1023 presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 5-9 Dec. Abstract

S. Isaenko, T. Shumilova, K. Ernstson, S. Shevchuk, A. Neumair, and M. Rappenglück: Carbynes and DLC in naturally occurring carbon matter from the Alpine Foreland, South-East Germany: Evidence of a probable new impactite. – European Mineralogical Conference, Vol. 1, EMC2012-217, 2012., European Mineralogical Conference 2012. Abstract

S. Isaenko, T. Shumilova, K. Ernstson, S. Shevchuk, A. Neumair, and M. Rappenglück: Carbynes and DLC in naturally occurring carbon matter from the Alpine Foreland, South-East Germany: Evidence of a probable new impactite. – European Mineralogical Conference, Vol. 1, EMC2012-217, 2012., European Mineralogical Conference 2012. Abstract

Ernstson, K., Mayer W., Neumair, A., and Sudhaus, D. (2011): The sinkhole enigma in the alpine foreland, Southeast Germany: Evidence of impact-induced rock liquefaction processes. – Cent. Eur. J. Geosci., DOI: 10.2478/s13533-011-0038-y


Barbara Rappenglück, Michael A. Rappenglück, Kord Ernstson, Werner Mayer, Andreas Neumair, Dirk Sudhaus and Ioannis Liritzis (2011). Reply to Doppler et al. ‘Response to “The fall of Phaethon: a Greco-Roman geomyth preserves the memory of a meteorite impact in Bavaria (south-east Germany) (Antiquity 84)”’. Antiquity, Volume: 85  Number: 327  Page: 278–280

Kord Ernstson, Michael Hiltl, Frank Bauer, Andreas Neumair and Michael A. Rappenglück (2010): Short-term coalification: a new impact-related process?

Kord Ernstson (2010): Der Chiemgau-Impakt. Ein bayerisches Meteoritenkraterfeld. 80 S. (Chiemgau Impakt e.V.).

Andreas Neumair, Kord Ernstson, Werner Mayer, Barabara Rappenglück, Michael A. Rappenglück and Dirk Sudhaus (2010): Characteristics of a Holocene impact layer in an archeological site in SE-Bavaria, Germany.

I. Liritzis, N. Zacharias, G.S. Polymeris, G. Kitis, K. Ernstson, D. Sudhaus, A. Neumair, W. Mayer, M.A. Rappenglück, B. Rappenglück (2010): THE CHIEMGAU METEORITE IMPACT AND TSUNAMI EVENT (SOUTHEAST GERMANY): FIRST OSL DATING. – Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 17‐33.

Barbara Rappenglück, Michael A. Rappenglück, Kord Ernstson, Werner Mayer, Andreas Neumair, Dirk Sudhaus & Ioannis Liritzis (2010): The fall of Phaethon: a Greco-Roman geomyth preserves the memory of a meteorite impact in Bavaria (south-east Germany). – Antiquity, 84, 428-439.

Ernstson, K., Mayer, W., Neumair, A., Rappenglück, B., Rappenglück, M.A., Sudhaus, D. and Zeller, K.W. (2010): The Chiemgau crater strewn field: evidence of a Holocene large impact in southeast Bavaria, Germany. – Journal of Siberian Federal University, Engineering & Technology, 1 (2010 3) 72-103.

Rappenglück, B., Ernstson, K., Mayer, W., Neumair, A. Rappenglück, M.A., Sudhaus, D., and Zeller, K.W.: The Chiemgau impact: An extraordinary case study for the question of Holocene meteorite impacts and their cultural implications. – In:

Michael A. Rappenglück & Kord Ernstson: The Chiemgau crater strewn field (Southeast Bavaria, Germany): Evidence of a Holocene large impact event. International Conference «100 years since Tunguska phenomenon: Past, present and future». – June 26 – 28, 2008, Moscow (Russia).

Kord Ernstson & Michael A. Rappenglück: The Chiemgau crater strewnfield: Evidence of a Holocene large impact event in Southeast Bavaria, Germany.INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE «100 YEARS OF THE TUNGUSKA EVENT». – June 30 – July 6, 2008, Krasnoyarsk (Russia).

Kord Ernstson (2008): Regmaglypten auf Kalksteingeröllen: Hinweis auf Karbonatschmelze im Chiemgau-Impakt

Kord Ernstson (2006): Neue Belege für den meteoritischen Ursprung des Tüttensees: Ein Impakthorizont in Schürfen bei Mühlbach

Kord Ernstson (2006): Schock-Effekte (Schockmetamorphose) in Gesteinen aus dem Impakthorizont am Tüttensee (Ejekta, Bunte Breccie)

Kord Ernstson (2005): Gravimetrische Untersuchungen bei Grabenstätt: Anzeichen für einen Impaktursprung des Tüttensee-Kraters (Chiemgau-Impakt) erhärtet.

Uli Schüssler, Michael A. Rappenglück, Kord Ernstson, Werner Mayer & Barbara Rappenglück (2005): Das Impakt-Kraterstreufeld im Chiemgau. – Eur. J. Mineral. 17, Beih. 1: 124.

Michael A. Rappenglück, Uli Schüssler, Werner Mayer & Kord Ernstson (2005): Sind die Eisensilizide aus dem Impakt-Kraterstreufeld im Chiemgau kosmisch? – Eur. J. Mineral. 17, Beih. 1: 108

M. A. Rappenglück, K. Ernstson, W. Mayer, R. Beer, G. Benske, C. Siegl, R. Sporn, T. Bliemetsrieder & U. Schüssler (2004): The Chiemgau impact event in the Celtic Period: evidence of a crater strewnfield and a cometary impactor containing presolar matter.

Ernstson, K., Schüssler, U., Claudin, F., Ernstson, T., 2003: An Impact Crater Chain in Northern Spain. – Meteorite, 9, 35-39.

Claudin, F. and Ernstson, K. (2003): Geologia planetaria y Geologia regional: el debate sobre un impacto múltiple en aragón. Enseñanza de las ciencias de la Tierra, vol 11, nº 3, pp 202-212.

Ernstson, K., Rampino, M.R., Hiltl, M., 2002: REPLY: Cratered cobbles in Triassic Buntsandstein conglomerates in northeastern Spain: An indicator of shock deformation in the vicinity of large impacts. Geology: Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 92–92.

Ernstson, K., Hiltl, M 2002: REPLY: Cratered cobbles in Triassic Buntsandstein conglomerates in northeastern Spain: An indicator of shock deformation in the vicinity of large impacts. Geology, 30, no 11, 1052-1052.

Schüssler, U., Hradil, K., Ernstson, K.2002: Impact-related melting of sedimentary target rocks of the Rubielos de la Cérida structure in Spain. Berichte der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, Beiheft 1 zum European Journal of Mineralogy, Vol. 14, S. 149.

Ernstson, K., Claudin, F., Schüssler, U., Hradil, K., 2002: The mid-Tertiary Azuara and Rubielos de la Cérida paired imapct structures (Spain). Treb. Mus. Geol. Barcelona, 11, 5-65.

Ernstson, K., Rampino, M.R. & Hiltl, M.: Cratered of cobbles in Triassic Buntsandstein conglomerates in NE Spain: Shock deformation of in-situ deposits in the vicinity of large impacts. Geology, v. 29, no.1, 11-14, 2001

Claudin, K., Ernstson, K., Rampino, M.R., and Anguita, F.: Striae, polish, imprints, rotated fractures, and related features in the Puerto Mínguez impact ejecta (NE Spain). Abstracts, 6th ESF IMPACT workshop, Impact Markers in the Stratigraphic record, pp. 15-16, 2001.

Hradil, K., Schüssler, U., and Ernstson, K.: Silicate, phosphate and carbonate melts as indicators for an impact-related high-temperature influence on sedimentary rocks of the Rubielos de la Cérida structure, Spain. Abstracts, 6th ESF IMPACT workshop, Impact Markers in the Stratigraphic record, pp. 49-50, 2001.

Ernstson, K., Rampino, M.R., and Hiltl, M.: Shock-induced spallation in Triassic Buntsandstein conglomerates (Spain): an impact marker in the vicinity of large impacts. Abstracts, 6th ESF IMPACT workshop, Impact Markers in the Stratigraphic record, pp. 25-26, 2001.

Ernstson, K., Claudin, F., Schüssler, U., Anguita, F, and Ernstson, T.: Impact melt rocks, shock metamorphism, and structural features in the Rubielos de la Cérida structure, Spain: evidence of a companion to the Azuara impact structure. Abstracts, 6th ESF IMPACT workshop, Impact Markers in the Stratigraphic record, pp. 23-24, 2001.

Ernstson, K., Rampino, M.R., Anguita, F., Hiltl, M., and Siegert, I.: Shock deformation of autochthonous conglomerates near the Azuara impact structure, Spain: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Program, v. 31, p. A-122., 1999.

Rampino, M. R., Ernstson, K., Anguita, F., and Claudin, F.: Striations, polish, and related features of clasts from impact-ejecta deposits and the «tillite problem». Abstracts, Conference on Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, p. 47, 1997.

Rampino, M. R., Ernstson, K., Anguita, F., Claudin, F., Pope, K.O., Ocampo, A., and Fischer A. G., 1997, Surface features of clasts from impact-ejecta deposits and the «tillite problem». Abstracts with Prog. Geological Society of America, v. 29. 1997.

Rampino, M.R., Ernstson, K., Fischer, A.G., King, D.T., Ocampo, A., and Pope, K.O.: Characteristics of clasts in K/T debris-flow diamictites in Belize compared with other known proximal ejecta deposits: Abstracts with Prog., Geol. Society of America, v. 28, p. A-182, 1996.

Ernstson, K.: Looking for Geological Catastrophes: The Azuara Impact Case. – In: Extinción y registro fósil (Extinction and the fossil record, E. Molina, ed.), Cuadernos Interdisciplinares No. 5, 31-57, SIUZ, 1994.

Ernstson, K. & Fiebag, J.: Reply to discussion of «The Azuara impact structure (Spain): new insights from geophysical and geological investigations» by K.Ernstson and J.Fiebag – Int. J. Earth Sci., 82, 756-759, 1993.

Ernstson, K. & Fiebag, J.: The Azuara impact structure (Spain): new insights from geophysical and geological investigations. – Int. J. Earth Sci., 81/2, 403-427, 1992.

Ernstson, K.: Azuara: un impacto meteoritico! – Astrum, 97, 13, 1991.

Ernstson, K. & Claudin, F.: Pelarda Formation (Eastern Iberian Cains, NE Spain): Ejecta of the Azuara impact structure. – N.Jb.Geol.Paläont.Mh., 1990, 581-599, 1990.

Müller, H. & Ernstson, K.: Curved joint sets: Indication of impact-induced fracturing. – In: Mechanics of Jointed and Faulted Rock, H.P.Rossmanith, ed., 257-263, Balkema, Rotterdam 1990.

Ernstson, K., Feld, H. & Fiebag, J.: Impact hypothesis for the Azuara structure (Spain) strengthened. – Meteoritical Society Meeting, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1987. – Meteoritics, 22, 373, 1987.

Ernstson, K. & Schinker, M.: Die Entstehung von Plumose-Kluftflächenmarkierungen und ihre tektonische Interpretation. – Int. J. Earth Sci., 75, 301-322, 1986

Ernstson, K., Hamman, W., Fiebag, J. & Graup, G.: Evidence of an impact origin for the Azuara structure (Spain). – Earth Planet. Sci. Let., 74, 361-370, 1985.

Ernstson, K.: Ergebnisse neuer Magnetfeld-Messungen im Gebiet der Impakt-Struktur Steinheimer Becken. – Jber.Mitt.oberrh.geol.Ver., N.F. 66, 153-160, 1984.

Ernstson, K.: A gravity-derived model for the Steinheim impact structure. –
Geol.Rundschau, 73/2, 483-498, 1984.

Pohl, J., Ernstson, K. & Lambert, P.: Gravity measurements in the Rochechouart impact structure (France). – Meteoritics, 13, 601-604, 1978.

Pohl, J., Stöffler, D., Gall, H. & Ernstson, K.: The Ries impact crater.- In: Impact and Explosion Cratering (D.J.Roddy, R.O.Pepin, and R.B.Merrill, eds.), 343-404, Pergamon Press, New York 1977.

Ernstson, K. & Pohl, J.: Neue Modelle zur Verteilung der Dichte und Geschwindigkeit im Ries-Krater. – Geologica Bavarica, 75, 355-371, 1977.

Ernstson, K.: The structure of the Ries crater from geoelectric depth soundings.-J. Geophys., 40, 639-659, 1974.

Ernstson, K. & Pohl, J.: Einige Kommentare zu den bohrloch-geophysikalischen Messungen in der Forschungsbohrung Nördlingen 1973. – Geologica Bavarica, 72, 81-90, 1974.